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August 2020

SynFo is a NETWORK OF WEB PRODUCTS (Design System) that forms a Synergy of Information to counter the wide-spread reach of Misinformation & Disinformation campaigns (A.K.A. 'Fake News')

The need to have more, newer, better, faster and smarter technology gave us more wicked problems; 'fake news' is one of the latest and most pervasive on that list. Unlike the Wicked Problem of 'Climate Change' or 'Wealth Inequality' which exists outside the human mind in the physical world, the Wicked Problem of 'Fake News' exists In the stream of our technological and psychological consciousness. This problem stems, thrives, and spreads in the minds of the individual, instilled there with an unethical agenda. 'Fake News' will continue to interfere and amplify every other wicked problem out there which unfortunately makes it a 'Super Wicked Problem'.


SynFo aims to exist as an umbrella for a range of digital web products with an Integral Aim to build people's trust in Science & Expertise and in Academic, Journalistic & Legal Institutions.

A functional and ethical system design should utilize current technology to create better systems of Formulation, Dissemination & Implementation while moving slow and not breaking things, which is why SynFo aims to be a human-centered small scale design system which is infinitely scalable to local and targeted markets while being culturally & economically profitable. Synfo is designed to 'Influence the user's algorithm to change the user's mindset' which is achieved by using 'Facts & Fun'; because 'An individual's belief system drives what the individual does'.


Just as every pandemic is a statistical problem disguised as a medical one, so is the problem of 'Fake News'. Fake News is more than a problem about 'bad information', It's about uprooting trust In all Information, including the bad one.

At SynFo we understand that to perform inception for diversion we need imagination. We need the simplest version of the idea, the one that will grow naturally in the user's mind. We need many simple ideas to work together as a synergy to solve this complicated problem.

"The only form of self-transcendence that leads directly to ethical behaviour and to human well-being is that which occurs in the midst of ordinary waking consciousness" - Sam Harris

"These are dangerous times. Never have so many people had so much access to so much knowledge and yet have been so resistant to learning anything" 

- Thomas M. Nichols, The Death of Expertise: The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters


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